Konu, 'Dreambox 8000 HD Serisi' kısmında coscos1222 tarafından paylaşıldı.

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  1. coscos1222

    coscos1222 Guest

    ===== Date: 09-06-2011, SVN 085 =====
    Attention dm8000 users can perform update only if you have 078,
    if your version <078 need reflashing with 085
    Attention if your version is < 072 please refer SVN 072 section for upgrading info
    if your version is 072, 073 or 074 please refer SVN 075 section for upgrading info
    * Fix dm800se display
    * Update crossepg svn 305
    * Update Enigma2
    * Update Enigma2-Plugins

  2. coscos1222

    coscos1222 Guest

    ]-Update Kernel for all machine
    -Update to InitramFS 1.4
    -Update dreambox-secondstage to 84-r0 for all Machine
    -Update dreambox-dvb-modules for all Machine (20110902)
    -Update v4l-dvb-modules for all Machine
    -Fix some italian translation
    -Update enigma2
    -Update enigma2-plugins

    Gizlenmiş İçerikGörmek İçin Foruma Giriş Yapınız. !

  3. coscos1222

    coscos1222 Guest

    Next Release 102r5

    Updated 25.01.2012-11:30

    All updates until 101r1 are included
    Update to InitramFS 2.2, for all Machines (thanks @gutemine)
    Update Kernel (add EFI/GPT partition recognition support, enable large block device support)
    Update PCSC-Lite to 1.8.2
    Update gst-plugin-good (raise dts, ac3 and aac parse elements' ranks)
    Update libpagecache (fix occasional program aborts/crashes (e.g. on e2 recording stop))
    Downgrade plugin bitrateviewer, now work in both mode 1 and 2
    Update to Webinterface 1.7.1
    Change Green Button text "Initialize" to "Manage" on HDD Manager Screen
    Fix Automatic download on StayUp plugin
    Fix crash on HDD Manager
    Fix crash on EPG Info Screen when plugin EasyInfo is installed
    Fix some Italian translation
    Update enigma2-plugins
Konu Durumu:
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