Quote:Terrariums an interesting production combines classic platform elements and sandbox-style Minecraft. The producer and publisher of game development studio is independent of Re-Logic. Featured title was released only for PC version. The game has no definite plot closely. You play as a builder, who, along with a set of tools, going to a beautiful land. At this point the nature of the game is shaped by the same player since he replaced, in principle, complete freedom in the modeling of the surrounding landscape. We can play both individually and in the company of friends through the Internet. Work Re-Logic is a fun and engaging solution that allows us to search for treasures, build structures (from simple huts to huge fortresses), explore the world and do a whole lot of other things. In the course of our escapades, we meet many dangers, with which we deal with captured useful melee weapons, firearms or explosives. It is worth noting that each time the game world is generated at random, which greatly increases its durability. The whole was embellished synaptic 2D luminaire, which brings to mind the times of 16-bit platforms. Code:Gizlenmiş İçerikGörmek İçin Foruma Giriş Yapınız. !