Version 2.0 Gizlenmiş İçerikGörmek İçin Foruma Giriş Yapınız. ! Instructions: Update : used to update the list of menu lists Favorite Select a favorites list of channels to be installed Extra : Download Picons Panda in Flash/Usb/Hdd & Future optional Installation: Find from Menu Plugin "Remove Plugin" or from FTP login to the box and transfer the installation file in / tmp the file .ipk Then enter the box via telnet or use putty and after you login, type: opkg install --force-overwrite /tmp/*.ipk Uninstall plugins: Revenue in the box via telnet or use putty after you login, type: opkg remove enigma2-plugin-extensions-panda-freeiptv Features New Channel List Reload List Update Auto New Skin Grafics by Panda Epg for most of the downloaded channel lists ( new ) Chance to run a SpeedTest for ADSL directly from the Box ( Extra ) Ability to download Picons Panda Sat Flash plugin from ( Extra ) Available also Picon CVS on request ( must be present picon_50x30 folder) Possibility of eliminating them channels list and picon by Panda SAT Plugin in Menu and Estensions Lib Python2.7 add New version for Debian CVS CAUTION : DO NOT INSTALL PICON IN FLASH WITH LOW MEMORY Thx to Daimon for deb version Install deb version Kod: dpkg -i --force-overwrite /tmp/ #name deb