PiconManager (Plugin )

Konu, 'Vu+ Plugins, Addons , Skins , Editor' kısmında coscos1222 tarafından paylaşıldı.

  1. coscos1222

    coscos1222 Guest

    PiconManager by einfall

    JA.. ich schon wieder

    Nachdem es den PiconRemover gibt stelle ich hier mal ein weiteres projekt vor..

    PiconManager *beta* :

    - Einfaches downloaden der Picons für nur die vorhandenen Sender (TV + Radio).
    - Picon verzeichnis auswählen (Gelb)
    - Downloaden (Grün)
    - Picon Preview, zeigt jedes mal ein Radnom Picon an (OK).

    Ich suche noch dringend unterstützung.. die Picons auf dem FTP-Server aktuell zu halten und zu füllen.

    Viel Spaß !

    Thx @einfall

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  2. coscos1222

    coscos1222 Guest

  3. coscos1222

    coscos1222 Guest

    Update: 16/08/2014

    ...mit Übersetzung DE/EN und kleineren optischen Anpassungen
    - ROT -> hier könnt ihr zwischen usb, hdd und box speicher switchen.
    - GRÜN -> Downloaded die Picons zum angezeigten Picon Folder der im Plugin ganz obenangezeigt wird (sofern der Path,Verzeichnis vorhanden ist).
    - GRÜN -> wähle den Picon Path aus.
    - BLAU -> Hier könnt ihr das picon verzeichnis angeben (default "picon").
    - OK -> Picon Preview (Random).

    Thx @ all

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  4. coscos1222

    coscos1222 Guest

  5. coscos1222

    coscos1222 Guest


    PiconManager (new version)

    * Hi people,

    * Unfortunately, a complete server move was necessary.
    * The recall of the individual Piconpakete proved in other hosters difficult because it Website's had to be created and had to be carried out in the plugin some changes. After the change in the plugin was released byeinfall, I had broughtshadowrider on board, because I do not have much to no idea of the matter,

    * shadowrider spent the day yesterday with above code in the plugin and modified so that it now gets the Piconspakete on the new server.
    * Furthermore, he let incorporate the following changes:
    simplified move to another server
    Piconvorschau is always displayed when the Picon from the receiver is displayed
    Press "OK" creates a new Picon in the Piconvorschau
    Save caching the list to Traffic

    Plugin update:
    * Z.z. There are currently no IPK, so you must proceed as follows.
    * Download and unzip Mounted In plugin.rar.
    * Get connected via an FTP program on your receiver and replaced under / usr / lib / enigma2 / python / Plugins / Extensions / piconmanager / the plugin.py by the plugin.py be Mounted in .rar file.
    * Gui restart and again Piconmanager should do its work.

    The Piconpaket are now on a new server.
    * Therefore, the Piconuploader should please contact me via PM Report in order to access data for the upload.

    update plugin

    * shadowrider has 2, I think, great features built into the plugin.

    On the one shall be given you restrict the displayed Piconpakete on your circumstances the possibility.
    * Say it may be taken for the satellite positions / provider selection: All Astra_19,2E, Astra-23,5E, Astra_28.2E, Kabel_Bw_Goeppingen, Kabel_Deutschalnd etc.
    Second, you can use Standardpicon, which is also displayed to the individual Piconpakete better able to compare by pressing "OK".

    The functions are controlled as follows:
    * - Restrict display: Selection via the Bouqute +/- buttons in different directions
    * - Standard Picon set: The Info button (EPG) for better comparison, a Picon be set / removed.

    * .... and I almost forget it, a third function was also installed. The Help function comes in handy.

    * The IPK install from the Annex via board means.
    * Depending on which version you have currently installed, it may be that the -force overwrite installation must be used.

    * Edit: enabled on Bedankomat wish, but the Lorberren actually belong to 99% ofshadowrider

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    Thx @ schomi

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  6. coscos1222

    coscos1222 Guest

  7. coscos1222

    coscos1222 Guest


    With today's update was added with possibly better support for a version indicator.
    * Furthermore, the selection function was refined under "Show group" and it is now possible to select according to the Hauptpiconerstellern (Linuxlover2012, pph and stefanbenno6)

    Info: How had the following installation instructions. Either uninstall old plugin and install new ones. Or use the advanced package installation.

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    Thx @ schomi

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  8. coscos1222

    coscos1222 Guest


    Today an update comes for the plugin, which includes many new features and improvements.
    * There was a lot of work next to the "Server temporarily unavailable" to make the plugin more clearly and to relieve the server in the same course in detail to you.

    * functions:
    * A displayed Picon can be set as default with EPG (Info) button, a set is deleted by the same button.
    * This is as far as known, but now needs to accept the setting not have to restart the plugin more.
    * If the selected set a Picon with this reference exists, the set will automatically appear when you select
    * OK on to the set shows more random Picon.

    * Press the Menu button to get to the Settings tab to set additional filters.
    * Here you can select which size, color depths and / or Piconersteller be selected.
    * With durable remember the filter are retained, otherwise they are after restart your computer.

    * Otherwise, changes and enhancements in translation and other small items were improved.

    Thanks toshadowrider for his work on the plugin. The further development of this plugin makes him a real joy.

    * To the uploader still goes out a detailed description of the Ordnerbennung the packages, it is important for selection in the plugin.
    * For a properly functioning plugin format is
    * Satellite / Provider_Orbitalposition / Region_Piconersteller_Datum_Paketname_Grösse_Farbtiefe_Uploa the

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    Thx @ schomi

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  9. coscos1222

    coscos1222 Guest

  10. coscos1222

    coscos1222 Guest

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