OoZooN CVS lean for DM8000 on 2009.12.04 this image is available in two versions: lean and full. the lean is about 30,9 mb, the full is 51,4 mb. everything what's stripped in the lean, can installed via plugin-download and also deinstalled! the full-version contains all listed plugins and needed libs and is intended for all, who have their box not online of course are plugins and libs deinstallable if not needed. my changes at oe: own bootlogo's, artwork by clumsy with satellites.xml - enigma² by Reinh@rd additional kernelstuff: usbseriell, ftdi-sio und pl2303 changes of dccamd start dccamd not included in image, can be installed via plugin download (*) in full und lean included (**) only in full included (***) only via plugin-download available systemplugins: autoresolution (***) cleanupwizard (***) commoninterfaceassignment (***) crashlogautosubmit (***) defaultservicesscanner (*) diseqctester (***) fan-ctrl (***) frontprocessorupgrade (***) hotplug (**) networkbrowser (***) networkserver (***) networkwizard (*) nfiflash (***) positionersetup (*) satelliteeditor (***) satelliteequipmentcontrol (*) satfinder (*) serviceeditor (***) setpasswd (***) skinselector (*) softwaremanager (**) videoenhancement (***) videomode (*) videotune (*) wirelesslan (*) plugins: ac3lipsync (***) aioscreengrabber (**) antiscrollbar (***) autodimm (***) Gizlenmiş İçerikGörmek İçin Foruma Giriş Yapınız. !