New Dream Elite 2.1 dm800

Konu, 'Dreambox 800 HD Serisi' kısmında imsel tarafından paylaşıldı.

  1. imsel

    imsel Süper Üye Üye

    14 Ekim 2007
    Beğenilen Mesajlar:
    DREAM ELITE staff is glad to announce the DMM 2.1 version

    Main features of Dream Elite 2.1
    Enigma2: 13/09/2011
    Drivers: 28/09/2011
    Plugins : 05/10/2011
    Second Stage : 84
    Skin : "STELLAR" by PORTO

    Extra Functions:
    - Crossepg 3.06
    - Dedicated (SVN) update server with version check
    - Dream Elite Manager (v.2.12)
    - New addons menu "user friendly"
    - Device Manager (v.1.35)
    - Start/Stop services
    - Services managementat boot
    - Download additional languages
    - Network browser
    - Network mount manager
    - Driver smargo
    - Driver pcsc 1.7.4
    - Driver ccid 1.4.4
    - Drivers DTT for USB tuners managed thru usbtuner
    - Autostart Swap at boot
    - Tuner management DVB-T thru usbtuner (Thanks a.*** from ihad forum)
    - Drivers DVB-T management thru usbloader (Thanks to SifTeam)

    Dream Elite Manager
    - Download extensions
    - Manual installation
    - Uninstall
    - Script execution
    - Crypt URL extra server
    - Emu start/stop

    Device Manager
    - Devices Mount/Umount
    - Format devices
    - Swap file management

    Button Functions
    Button OKx1 = Infobar Light
    Button OKx2 = Infobar Extra

    Button Blue = Dream Elite Manager
    Button Blue x2 = Dream Elite Addons Manager
    Button Blue-Long-Push = Extensions
    Button Blue+Yellow = Script Executer
    Button Blue+Green = Url Cript

    Button Red = Start Record

    Button Yellow = Time Shift

    Button Green-Long Push = Plugins Browser
    Button Green+Red = Extensions Management

    Thanks to all who partecipated and contributed to the image, testers and staff members.

    Special thanks:
    SIFteam - Genge and BOBSilvio for the DTT drivers
    IHAD - a.*** for DVB-T tuner management
    Reinh@rd for satellites.xml
    Spaeleus for translations





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