Nemesis skin SAMAR65 2.2.1 By MERDAS.img Peace be upon you my brothers today offer you a new amendment to the new brother with a knife and a knife known Zeno samar6.5 after amendment by the brother of Zeno to become a great and very beautiful, who is the adjustment you've done I hope you like it * Change the image off in HD splendor * Change the original knife knife summit beauty Samara v62 * Possibility of changing the display channels by pressing the Ok button and then Help * Away from the area Var merge emo CCcam 2.2.1 * Add Blogin CCcam Info to follow up the case of server space away from var * Add Blogin Ecminfo to follow up the case of a server and Hops * Add additional servers to download the all new Aloimohat * Add file satellites and frequencies for rapid search and includes satellites from Hispasat30 to Turcsat42 * Add Arabic language beside English and French can be downloaded from the server's * Add Blogin Minicat keys to update the codes from the net directly away from the space var * Add Blogin Nagrab Dreambox to record from the computer away from the space var * To see the channels via the browser have been fixed for viewing via the browser with adding Fixed-web-xt * Area Free Var 81% * All of these additions were carried out without prejudice to the region VAR Photo pass program or Dreamup flashwezard I leave you with a few pictures and leave you by yourselves Tkchwonnha Kod: Gizlenmiş İçerikGörmek İçin Foruma Giriş Yapınız. !