NEMESIS 2.6 107r5 Dual Enigma

Konu, 'Dreambox 8000 HD Serisi' kısmında coscos1222 tarafından paylaşıldı.

  1. coscos1222

    coscos1222 Guest

    Are you ready for new NEMESIS 2.6 Dual Enigma?
    Nemesis 2.6 Dual Enigma is here!

    Gizlenmiş İçerikGörmek İçin Foruma Giriş Yapınız. !

    Attention read carrefully!
    to do before upgrade to 107r5!!!!

    Remove all Skins installed from Addons and reboot with de default skin
    the old skins are no more compliant with the 107r5
    proceed with the upgrade on-line

    Nemesis 2.6 107r5
    Updated 29.03.2012-13:00

    All updates until 105r4 are included
    Rewrite device info panel, now are also displayed the network devices
    Update dreambox-dvb-modules to 20120328 fot 800se
    Update dreambox-dvb-modules to 20120322 for 500hd, 7020hd and 8000
    Update Enigma2 to 3.2.2 (20120327)
    Move to 2.6 version
    Added possibility to disable HDD as a device for epg.dat, swap files and skins
    Added possibility to remove HDD on Picon search path
    Update CrossEPG to use new Autodiscover EPG (Only for Nemesis Images)
    Update Bootlogo for version 2.6 (thanks @XPlanet)
    Replaced the eXcort Lux default skin, with the new Nemesis Black Skin by mmark (thanks @mmark & Stardust)
    Added possibility to enable/disable Pig Widget on Skin Blue->Yellow->Setup Skin->Enable Pig Widget on skin
    Added developer mode for skinner (Thank's @skaman)
    Added Suppprt for Skins on external device Now you can install skin on, USB/CF/HDD/eSATA devices
    (At the moment 0nly skins without Python code modification)
    Added Autodiscover Picon Discover on: Flash, USB/CF/HDD/eSATA devices and Network Mountpoint
    Added Autodiscover swap file Discover on: USB/CF/HDD/eSATA devices
    Added Autodiscover epg.dat file Discover on: Flash, USB/CF/HDD/eSATA devices and Network Mountpoint
    Added device selection for Picon installation You can install Picon on: Flash, USB/CF/HDD/eSATA devices and Network Mountpoint
    Removed Picon Provider, System e Satellite from image
    Now you can install it from Blue Panel->Addons
    Updated italian CVS translation using german locale as reference (Thank's @blu8)
    Updated Nemesis Panel italian translation(Thank's @blu8)
    Updated full german locale translation (thanks @bigstar2005)
    Updated enigma2-plugins


    Gizlenmiş İçerikGörmek İçin Foruma Giriş Yapınız. !

  2. ugtorun

    ugtorun Yeni Üye Üye

    28 Eylül 2007
    Beğenilen Mesajlar:
    türkçe dil paketini nerden temin ederiz yüklemeniz mümkünmü
  3. tajima

    tajima Yeni Üye Üye

    28 Ocak 2010
    Beğenilen Mesajlar:
    Nemesis Dm8000 için kullandığım en kullanışlı image. Bu versiyonuda oldukça iyi.

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