Nabilosat Enigma2 Black Hole v0.10 for DM800

Konu, 'Dreambox 800 HD Serisi' kısmında Ertan AKTEPE tarafından paylaşıldı.

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  1. Ertan AKTEPE

    Ertan AKTEPE

    13 Şubat 2007
    Beğenilen Mesajlar:
    Uyduturk Merkezi
    Nabilosat Enigma2 Black Hole - DM800 v0.10

    What is new in this version 0.10 ?

    Nabilosat Black Hole socket system creates a communication with Enigma 2 for the management of the EMU restart and Nabilosat API's

    EMU Management: the Black Hole Socket system allows EMU's to be run externally to Enigma2.This solution offers a better EMU performance. As an example, when you start the EMU, the spinner will not display

    NEW EPG Panel introducing new features for the control of EPG

    Download Now reset EPG download timer and immediately start a download

    NEW EPG Provide list available in EPG main panel

    EPG settings global setting for all provider, and single provider settings

    EPG Cron for each single provider

    EPG search buttons enable/disable the epg search buttons

    Panic Button quickly zap to a fixed channel and clear zap history

    Analogue Clock: the analogue clock and gauge needles have been rewritten to offer a clear reading

    Increased Performance: all Nabilosat panel have been recoded to offer better performance

    System Pop Ups: using Nabilosat socket system now

    Extra Info Bar: new system

    Manual Install IPK: added Enigma2 console

    CCcam Info now available directly from the Green Panel (1x Green + 1x Red )


    Nabilosat Black Hole System: this system represents a new approach to the communications exchange between the image core, the external environment and Enigma2. Making the image faster and more efficient.The Nabilosat Black Hole Socket allows also the following:
    1) Introduction of Nabilosat Black Hole API
    2) EMU and Application enhanced management, as they run externally to Enigma2
    The following diagram represents the communication flow
    What are the benefits ? When you start or restart your default EMU, Enigma2 will be busy at controlling this process, until it is started and initialized. As Enigma2 is busy with this process, the spinner will display. With Nabilosat Black Hole System, when you start/restart your default EMU, Enigma2 will only send a short signal to the Socket, and this Socket will be responsible for starting the EMU. Therefore, Enigma2 is free to keep running, and the spinner will not display. Additionally, the EMU will also be more efficient as it does not depend from Enigma2.
    Another benefit is represented by the possibility to send command to Enigma2 from the Linux shell, or from a schedule custom script. This system is the new Nabilosat Black Hole API.


    Nabilosat API: you can now start a Telnet or SSH session and send a command to execute any of the following available API's:
    - Restart EMU
    - Restart E2
    - Reboot DM
    - Standby
    - Shutdown

    To launch each of the available API's, start a Telnet or SSH session, and type the following commands:

    Nabilocmd restartemu
    Nabilocmd restartenigma2
    Nabilocmd standby
    Nabilocmd reboot
    Nabilocmd shutdown

    Each API can also be executed manually via Telnet or SSH. It can also be included in your custom script. It can be executed automatically and regularly with the new Nabilosat Black Hole Cron Manager, at a set time, and every day.
    Nabilosat API are also useful if your DM hangs. Instead of choosing to Power OFF, you can now simply restart Enigma2 or reboot using the required API.

    Nabilosat Black Hole Cron Manager: you can now schedule recurring standard events ( restart e2, reboot, stand by, shutdown, restart emu ) or your custom commands, and execute them automatically. The scheduling of standard events will automatically execute Nabilosat Enigma2 API's. The custom command feature gives you the option to run any script of your choice automatically and at your set time


    Nabilosat Black EPG Panel: this new panel allows you to have full control of EPG for the following providers
    Sky IT
    Sky UK
    Canal Digitaal
    You can now schedule an automatic download for each of these providers. You can also perform an immediate download with the new Download Now feature.
    You ca now enable/disable the EPG Search button, through the Gloabl Settings panel
    Enigma2 CVS date

    29 April 2009 2.6 experimental

    Drivers date

    30 April 2009

    Second Stage #72-r0

    Main Function ****

    Button 1xOK = Light Info Skin
    Button 2xOK = Extra Info Skin
    Button Blue = Nabilo Blue Panel
    Button 1x Blue + 1x Yellow = New System Monitor Panel
    Button Blue-Long-Push = Extensions
    Button Green = Nabilo Green Panel
    Button Green-Long-Push = Subservices
    Button Red = Start Record
    Button Yellow = Time Shift


    Dedicated Addons Server
    Download and install additional packages from Nabilosat server


    Enigma2 Analogic Clock
    Channel Orbital Position

    Advanced Tuner Info: Sr Freq Pol Fec
    Signal SNR, BER
    Infobar Picons
    LCD/OLED Picons
    Advanced EMU information

    Nabilo Panels features

    1) Blue Panel


    Black Hole Cron Manager
    Black Hole EPG Panel
    OSD Settings
    LCD Settings
    Fast Plugin Settings
    Inadyn Settings
    Swap File Settings
    Hard Disk Setup
    Nabilo Mount Wizard
    OpenVPN Panel
    Samba/Cifs Panel
    NFS Server Panel
    Telnet Panel
    FTP Panel

    System Monitor Panel

    CCcam Info
    Service Info
    Enigma2 Settings



    Select/Start/Restart EMU

    2) Green Panel

    CCcam Info
    Fast Plugin

    Addons Download Manager
    Manual Install Nab packages
    Manual Install IPK packages
    Addons Uninstall Panel
    Nabilosat Statistics


    Many thanks to the Beta Testers Team

    E2 Sky Epg loader integration by MaxZ4.
    Matrix10 for the new Black Shadow II skin.
    Many Thanks to lukkino (VDR-Italia) for opentv source code.

    This Images doesn't contain any **** nor softcams.
    Backups or other modified Images are not supported!

    Nabilosat Team highly reccomends to install this image to flash. It will be perform at its best, and you will fully enjoy all the features. Else, if you install it to multiboot, you must install the Nabilosat Pure Flash DM 800 dated 02 May 2009. Nabilosat Pure Flash DM800 02May2009 is available here.

    Gizlenmiş İçerikGörmek İçin Foruma Giriş Yapınız. !

    Gizlenmiş İçerikGörmek İçin Foruma Giriş Yapınız. !

  2. kaya43

    kaya43 Aktif Üye Üye

    17 Ağustos 2009
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