Nabilosat Darkstar ll Skin Original CCcam2.2.1 Fixed web-x-tv

Konu, 'Dreambox 500 Serisi' kısmında abdurrahman elitaş tarafından paylaşıldı.

  1. abdurrahman elitaş

    abdurrahman elitaş Banlı Üye

    9 Mart 2009
    Beğenilen Mesajlar:

    Release Masterpiece: Nabilosat Darkstar ll Skin Original CCcam2.2.1 Fixed web-x-tv

    Peace and mercy of God be upon you

    Issuance of a summit today of speed and elegance of the amendment is the most speed in the
    Alcherng Nabilosat additions top the excitement and repair problem seen
    Cross-browser and the integration of Blogin Dirtic to translate films leave you with the rest of
    Amendments and peace and mercy of God

    * Change the image off in HD
    * Ahtfad knife and an amendment to the original transparency Climate Summit Alpha
    * Added French language along with English and the possibility of downloading any language
    * Enlarge fonts , raising the knife beautiful
    * Add the latest file frequencies of Hispasat to Arabsat 30.5
    * Possibility of changing the display channels by pressing the button Ok and Help
    * Fixed web-x-tv channels to watch the Dreambox via the browser
    * Merge Emu CCcam 2.2.1 has been activated to run automatically when you load the image
    * Merge Blogin CCCamInfo to track the status of server
    * Merge Blogin EcmInfo to follow up the case of a server and Hops
    * Merge Blogin Hacksat Keys to update the codes of the net
    * Merge Blogin Signal Quality to see the signal strength
    * Merge Blogin Teletext works great
    * Merge Blogin Drtic to translate the movie enough to download a file the translation of the net
    And send it to the path var / tuxbox / drtic / tit and operation of the IMO Dreambox

    Free Espace En Var 63%

    I leave you with diabetes shot and download


  2. negrano34

    negrano34 Yeni Üye Üye

    22 Aralık 2007
    Beğenilen Mesajlar:
    image için teşekurler ... darkstar 2 de hafıza sorunu vardı acaba bu image maxvar imagemidir

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