Peace and mercy of God After modifying the brother and brother Marwan Raed in the image Algimni came round in the image nabilosat darkstar 2 and solve the problem seen through the browser xeb-x-tv 7.01.2011 Amendment today Darkstar II with a knife and another Rihanna Emo CCcam 2.2.1 Of the amendments made to the image * change the image off in magnificence Hd * change the original knife knife Rihanna net Dandy * Added French language along with English with the possibility of downloading any language * zoom fonts * possibility of changing the display channels by pressing the Ok button and then Help * add the latest file frequencies on 6 / 01 / 2010 * add the latest file to run Sowickam Bis Tv Channels * Translation works automatically on channels Osn * Merge Emu Cccam 2.2.1 has been activated to run automatically * Merge 6 Bloginat away from the area Var - Merge Blogin CCcamInfo to track the status of server - Merge Blogin EcmInfo to follow up the case of a server and Hops - Merge Blogin Hacksat Key to update the codes directly from the net - Merge Blogin Nagrab to register from Dreambox to PC - Merge Blogin Signal Qality to see the signal strength - Merge Blogin Tele **** problem has been resolved not to do in the rest of the image All amendments to this topic was away from the area Var Free Espace En Var 74 % Gizlenmiş İçerikGörmek İçin Foruma Giriş Yapınız. !