Multiboot mmboot MultiMiniBoot

Konu, 'E2 Gerekli Programlar-Eklentiler-Temalar' kısmında coscos1222 tarafından paylaşıldı.

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  1. coscos1222

    coscos1222 Guest

    Multiboot mmboot MultiMiniBoot

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  2. coscos1222

    coscos1222 Guest

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  3. coscos1222

    coscos1222 Guest

  4. coscos1222

    coscos1222 Guest

  5. coscos1222

    coscos1222 Guest

  6. coscos1222

    coscos1222 Guest

  7. coscos1222

    coscos1222 Guest

    Multiboot MultiMiniBoot 1.20

    Update to v1.20
    In version 1.20 I recommend the installation package *.ipk in the Flash install. Only *.ipk in the flash install - all already installed image on usb - is mmbot automatically updated to v1.20!

    If you absolutely want to update by remote control then only in Flash and important - twice Perform the update

    Fixed a problem with dm800hd-pvr and OpenPLi
    Added Dream Elite Image TEST
    and other

    Thx @ mirmo

    Gizlenmiş İçerikGörmek İçin Foruma Giriş Yapınız. !

  8. coscos1222

    coscos1222 Guest

    Changes - fixes in version v1.31

    - Page change is a change in the structure of building python (for you without change - not visible) *
    - Fixed mminit (OpenPLi issue removed) *
    - Patch name display in v2 dreamach *
    - The problem with crossEpg usb-image removed *
    - Added mod-eParted to initialize the pen, HDD, etc (eParted modified for mmboota) *
    - Possibility of using the mod-eParted równierz for other media
    - also on the image on the usb -> MultiMiniBoot -> menu -> eParted (Yellow) *
    - Information about a newer version of mmboota (info only because updates can be done only with flash) *
    - The ability to disable checking for updates -> MultiMiniBoot -> menu *
    - An issue in the case of two directories "backup" (if there will be two folders "backup"
    - PRIORITET for mmboota will be / media / hdd / backup)

    <<<<< With the clones >>>>>

    - Amendment Script for dm800sev2 *
    - Problem with changing wlan (wifi) on the image on the usb removed

    Ekli Dosyalar:

  9. coscos1222

    coscos1222 Guest

  10. coscos1222

    coscos1222 Guest

    Changes - fixes in version v1.32
    - EParted fix for DM800HD (revised) *
    - Added Italian local - ThxSatrunner

    TRS55 bunu beğendi.
  11. coscos1222

    coscos1222 Guest

  12. coscos1222

    coscos1222 Guest

    Update v1.34

    - Fixed link for DreamElite-Image
    - Deleted download DreamElite-TEST-Image
    - Fixed mount on usb/hdd in OpenATV-Image

    Thx @ mirmo

    Ekli Dosyalar:

    TRS55 bunu beğendi.
  13. coscos1222

    coscos1222 Guest

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