Mover enigma2 plugin

Konu, 'Vu+ Plugins, Addons , Skins , Editor' kısmında coscos1222 tarafından paylaşıldı.

  1. coscos1222

    coscos1222 Guest

    # maintainer: <> 
    # This plugin is free software, you are allowed to
    # modify it (if you keep the license),
    # but you are not allowed to distribute/publish
    # it without source code (this version and your modifications).
    # This means you also have to distribute
    # source code of your modifications.
    '''The code written by Schomi
    extended by mfaraj57
    -settings added to select target device,/media/usb is available only in original plugin
    -more info about free and total space of flash and target device
    -update size info after moving any plugin
    -removed bytes2human modules and replaced by local functions

    PluginMover 0.3
    -fixed usb device selection

    Thx mfaraj57

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