LS Image E2 OE1.6 29.09.2010 DM8000 SMP (2nd CPU core) Branch = Experimental (2.8.1) Distro-Opendreambox (GIT) = OE1.6 Kernel = 2.6.18-7.3 Enigma2 = 20100927 (mod by Linsat Team) Plugins = 20100928 Dvb-drivers = 20100623 Secondstage 76-r2 Updates since the last public img: Translation 20100924 [*] Satellites.xml 20100911 [*] Skin concinnity DM-HD [*] CrossEPG Plugin v0.5.0 (SVN 84) [*] Plugin Automatic Volume Adjustment [*] Plugin update FanControl2 [*] NFI Backup v1.4.6 - Patch volume for HD channels General information: LS EXTRA PANEL (access via long press MENU key) METHOD 'REMOTE Neutrino / Enigma OpenVPN (tun module included) can be activated via script Smargo enabled in the kernel (pl2303 modules, FTDI-SIO, including usb******) NTFS enabled in the kernel BusyBox and extended backwards compatible (including crond and crontab) Opkg Extension Manager Online enabled Symlink useful already INFO on osd also oscam dvbapi PASSWORD enabled Some additional plugins: TG24 INTERACTIVE CrossEPG CCcam Info NFI BACKUP LED MANAGER BITRATE VIEWER QUICKBUTTON MOVIECUT TagEditor STARTUPTOSTANDBY LETTERBOX AUDIOPIP PipZap AUTOMATIC VOLUME ADJUSTMENT FANCONTROL2 List characteristics of the LS img: old thread, we limit ourselves only to remember those who have contributed directly or indirectly: Ronaldd for the source of his "Emumanager 'and the' expert-tuner infobar" Musicbob for interactive plugin, advanced info and changes all'emumanager Lukkino LoadEPG for OpenTV and translation dictionary Skamania for CrossEPG PLi team to indicate the position of the orbital skin for the menu and remote control for "BitrateViewer" AliAbdul for "Scriptexecuter" for "CCcaminfo" and the "channel number in the bouquet Drege tuxcom for E2 Reinh @ rd for the updated satellites.xml Vali for advanced frequency info ritZmo and oozoon for PipZap Ferbius and Power for the alternative skins DOWNLOAD IMAGE Kod: