HD Glass 14 - ver. 2.83 - added "big" support for VU+images, supported now: AAF HOT SUMMER V2b, HDFREAKS, PERSIAN HD PROJECT, POD 2.0, TUXER2 TODODREAM ALPHA3, VIX 1.1, VTI 2.1 - added "vu" picts in "vu" version of the skin - the "vu" or "dm" version is autodetected and autoconfigured by installer installer now supports - Gemini 5.1, Newnigma 3.0.2, Dream Elite 1.3.3, OoZoon, all other images CVS based - DM models 800HD, 8000HD, 500HD [DOWN]Gizlenmiş İçerikGörmek İçin Foruma Giriş Yapınız. ! [/DOWN]