Grey Goo - Update 3 + ***** [CODEX] - Sorunsuz - Tek Link - indir PC

Konu, 'Play Station-PSP Bölümü' kısmında Mehmetkarahanlı tarafından paylaşıldı.

  1. Mehmetkarahanlı

    Mehmetkarahanlı Süper Üye Üye

    16 Kasım 2014
    Beğenilen Mesajlar:


    Gizlenmiş İçerikGörmek İçin Foruma Giriş Yapınız. !

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    Gizlenmiş İçerikGörmek İçin Foruma Giriş Yapınız. !

    [HR][/HR][​IMG]405 MB
    [HR][/HR][​IMG]Gerekli olan Update 1 ve 2'yi de barındırıp CODEX sürümü için çıkan 3.cü güncelleme yamasıdır!
    Düzeltilenler Listesi:
    Update 3:

    To ensure the integrity of your game experience, we had to make several changes to the core game files. This required a wipe of all save files, as well as the reset of any previously saved hotkey configurations. Make note of any hotkey configurations, and if you have a mid-mission save try to finish it before we implement the patch! Your overall campaign progress will not be lost, just all individual save files for Campaign missions and Skirmish.

    - Added new idle leash time which operates on a lower distance threshold. Units will now wait three seconds before moving back to their original position after being pushed a certain distance.
    - Increased idle leashing range value from 140 to 350. Units can now be pushed further before they attempt to move back to their original location
    - Changed avoidance logic to deal with head on collisions in a more efficient manner
    - Modified group stopping logic to fix units stopping early or two far away from target point when moving in a large group

    Unit Selection and Responsiveness
    - Ctrl+Click now has the same effect as double clicking a unit. Default Defensive Ping bind has been moved to
    - Factory hotkeys are now enabled for Mother Goo
    - Fixed mouse double click detection when a key is held down
    - Improved Goo and unit selection functionality through the UI
    - Fixed issue where clicking on the minimap to move the viewport immediately after an attack-move click was not functioning properly
    - Unit selection activation changed from mouse click up to mouse click down
    - Improved responsiveness on actions taken with proteans immediately after splitting off a Mother Goo

    - Added a health change handler to the stealthed Monitors in The Shallows to properly detect offscreen damage to start the bonus objective
    - Destroying catalyst crates no longer counts toward their collection in The Observatory

    - Situation where match is disbanded while a player is on the password screen is now properly handled
    - Fixed issue where Quick Match dialogue was remaining hidden after the user entered an invalid password
    - LAN matches are now properly cancelled when host leaves by accepting an invite to a premade lobby
    - Players are now properly removed from LAN game lobbies when they Alt+F4
    - Fixed a crash that would occur at the end of a match
    - Fixed a few “Connection Interrupted” issues that would occur when a host attempted to reconnect

    - Added Video Device Description and Advance Renderer options in the video settings menu
    - AI processing is now distributed among multiple cores to improve performance in scenarios where there are multiple AI. This change invalidates prior save files
    - Forward renderer implemented making a 25% reduction in draw calls when Advanced Renderer is disabled
    - Shadow and water shader LODs implemented, reducing draw calls another 25% when shader detail is set to low
    - Tweaked the auto-detection feature to utilize new forward renderer and lower shader LODs
    - Improved auto-detection feature to better detect against PC specs
    - Moved the regeneration of navigation meshes to a background thread to avoid stalling the game logic thread in certain situations

    - Fixed an AI loop where the AI would build a lot of refineries, but no extractors or units

    - Addressed remaining instances of VFX showing through Fog of War
    - Human Air Pad and Teleporter structures now have proper explosion VFX upon being destroyed

    Terrain Editor
    - Made new map creation dialogue more user friendly and clear concerning size constraints, entry fields, and requirements

    - Steam popups now appear in the upper right of the screen instead of the bottom right
    - Fixed an issue where the player name was not showing up in chat
    - Updated the stealth and attacking tutorial image
    - Added localization for recently added strings
    - Mother Goo can now properly set a rally point when using the “V” hotkey
    - Pings no longer get stuck on mouse clicks when the user uses the “Select All” command
    - Player can now properly ping even when units are selected
    - RTS Primer video’s voice over now properly matches the key combinations communicated in the video and subtitles

    Update 1:

    - Fixed issue where some units’ attacks were appearing through Fog of War

    - Fixed bug where the “Has been revealed” announcement was being triggered whenever a player’s units were killed
    - Fixed an issue where the “Has been revealed” announcement was triggered after a vent plug was destroyed
    - Fixed issue where sound effects from the impact of Howitzer mines would sometimes not play

    - Fixed issue where enemy AI Beta units would attempt to use player’s Repair Pad

    - “Glutton for Punishment” can no longer be achieved against Idle AI

    - A unit’s extents now shrink when moving through groups of other units to make moving through groups smoother
    - Disabled units pushing other units to the side to prevent further issues as a result of the change
    - Fixed a rare issue where refineries could create an island of un-navigable terrain
    - Fixed crash caused by loading a save game from a previous version
    - Fixed crash caused by Goo projectiles being shot down
    - Fixed an issue where a structure’s deconstruction animation would sometimes not play
    - Fixed exploit where Human structures would still be teleported after being destroyed
    - Fixed error that was being given when attempting to save on “The Terminal”
    - Fixed cursor disappearing when accepting an invite during a cutscene
    - Changed agro state generator for Human HQ to prevent a stacking situation that could potentially cause a crash

    - Fixed the resource display on “The Aperture Device” to better represent the resource locations
    - The timed even in “The Aperture Device” will no longer start if the player moves their Mother Goo away from the node
    - The Crescent fire objective in “The Trench” can no longer be triggered before its intended time by restarting the mission
    - Fixed an exploit with selling Conduits
    - Fixed an issue where players could hide their Purger in the brush
    - Added additional target filtering to Tempest Surveillance Virus upgrade to prevent it from targeting ground and air incorrectly
    - Fixed an issue where Tempest Surveillance Virus Upgrade affected ground units if it hit an air unit that was flying above a ground unit

    - Fixed several incorrect descriptions in the Encyclopedia
    - The orange bar in the quick match panel will no longer change size when the player invites another player to a premade team
    - Fixed issue where timers would sometimes not appear in the German version
    - Fixed issue where the “no power” icon was appearing after a building’s construction was completed
    - Updated the “no power” icons in “Mago’s Pass” to be consistent with the other “no power” icons in the game

    Terrain Editor
    - Added support for custom user XML and Animations
    - Fixed several crash issues
    - Fixed Skydomes not properly appearing in the editor
    - Fixed issue where props and objects were being visually removed but were still counting in the object count
    - Fixed issue where Fog of War was not appearing when the user checked the fog box
    - Improved water shader for user-created maps

    Update 2:


    - Default AI is now Lambert instead of Random


    - Fixed an issue where the RTS Primer VO audio was incorrect in German


    - Aircraft will now prioritize empty landing pads first when ordered to land by right clicking on Hangars/Airpads
    - Further improved the extents shrinking from 50% to 25% to minimize artillery/AoE impact of grouped units


    - Adjusted Easy and Normal difficulty settings. Hard difficulty is unaffected.
    - Fixed an issue where script-spawned units were not being given the correct health modifiers
    - Fixed a bug in The Barricade that caused some enemy Guardian units to idle in brush instead of properly mounting wall pillars


    - Added matchmaking improvements to allow players easier access to searching for matches worldwide
    - Improved logic for detecting players disconnecting to force a win or avoid a loss
    - Servers will now temporarily pause when connection loss is first detected
    - Added improvements to performance that prevents certain cases from lagging the client severely
    - Structures from an eliminated player will now properly clear up passability upon deletion
    - Fixed a crash local to 32 bit machines
    - Fixed a crash that would occur while loading a multiplayer match
    - Fixed a lock that would occur for clients when the host would close the lobby
    - Fixed an issue where 2v2 Ranked matches were not properly reporting
    - Fixed crash that would occur when starting skirmish match

    Terrain Editor

    - Fixed crash that would occur when launching a custom map with the spigot marker inside the HQ boundaries
    - Fixed crash that would occur when loading an untouched custom map


    - Moved Quick Match window up in the Multiplayer screen while search is ongoing
    - Added translations for new text
    - Fixed an issue with compressed Korean text
    - Added a new “Extras” section to the menu with a quick launch button for the Terrain Editor
    - Made various fixes to improve performance in the UI
    - Fixed an issue where the game would unpause immediately after pausing in single player


    1. Güncellemeyi indirdikten sonra rar'dan çıkartın ve birli çıkan guncelleme1 klasörüdekini kuruyor, sonra guncelleme2 deki yamayı en son da guncelleme3 klasörünün içindeki setup.exe adlı dosyayı çalıştırıp yamayı son Update'i kurun.
    2. Daha sonra ise ilac klasörünün içindeki tüm dosyaları kopyalayıp oyunun kurulu olan klasörünün içine yapıştırın.
    İyi ve sorunsuz oyunlar!

    Güncellemeyi indirmek için aşağıdaki Uploaded, UploadRocket veya Cloud resmine tıklayın:

    Gizlenmiş İçerikGörmek İçin Foruma Giriş Yapınız. !


    Gizlenmiş İçerikGörmek İçin Foruma Giriş Yapınız. !

  2. Mehmetkarahanlı

    Mehmetkarahanlı Süper Üye Üye

    16 Kasım 2014
    Beğenilen Mesajlar:
    • İşlemci : AMD Athlon II X4 630 (2.8Ghz x4)
    • RAM : 6 GB DDR2
    • Ekran Kartı : Palit GeForce GTX 750 Ti StormX OC Edition - 2 GB
    • Bağlantı : 100 MBps (11.9mb/s)
    • İşletim Sistemi : Windows 7 - 64 Bit SP1
    • Konsol : PSP - 3008 CFW: 6.60 PRO-B10
    • Anakart : ASUS M4A785-M

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