Gemini4.70 Skin Blueline3 and Web-X-TV Fixed Backup

Konu, 'Dreambox 500 Serisi' kısmında abdurrahman elitaş tarafından paylaşıldı.

  1. abdurrahman elitaş

    abdurrahman elitaş Banlı Üye

    9 Mart 2009
    Beğenilen Mesajlar:
    Backup Gemini4.70 Skin Blueline3 and Web-X-TV Fixed
    Solid and the new amendment on the image of a knife Gemini4.70 blueline3

    Which authorizes you to watch the channels via webinterface and through VLC as you can seen via the browser Web-X-TV

    After the amendment to the picture as you can install the latest version of VLC on the computer

    And adjust its settings without surprise.'s been prepared and the integration of the Imo CCcam2.2.1

    Amendment was for one of the giants of Braaaa and third-generation services in the Arab World

    In view of the beauty and magnificence of the image I thought I put it in the forum to take advantage of them members of the customers and thank you
    The picture is for Pakab for 4 satellites

    Image Properties
    -Zapstream VLC and Web-X-tv Fixed
    - Copy the original boot
    - Arabic language along with English
    - The rest of the languages you demotion of the server's
    -Screenshot Fixed
    -2.2.1 And CCcaminfo V1.1
    - Knife Blueline3
    - Blegn Minicat Key updater to update the blades away from the area Var
    - Blegn Nagrab away from the area Var
    - Add Property DVR for online registration
    - You can change the form of lists of channels, such as a Humax clicking on the OK button and then help
    - Enlarge the size of lines of the main menus with upsized lines channels


    Gizlenmiş İçerikGörmek İçin Foruma Giriş Yapınız. !

  2. Leo27

    Leo27 Guest

    Herşey iyi güzel ama bunu TÜRKÇE dili yokmu?

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