Exclusive image adjustment OpenPli knife BlackHorseLite on 4/9/2011 Dear brothers, Knowing Peace Today offer you modify the very beauty and lightness of the image OpenPli motherfuckin After the additions you made to the picture becomes very good Taalo review amendments *- Add Pot Logo wonderful Hd *- Add Arabic and French language next to English *- Change the original knife with a knife turned him from a picture to Nmiss image Play produce a serious brother Zeno name knife BlackHorseLite *- The amendment to the lines and the knife in some of the things to be the best Mmy it was *- Albayekonat knife supports those who wish to add *- Add Blajan Cccam Info away from the Var area *- Add Blajan EcmInfo away from the Var area *- Add Blajan Inadyn Configuration away from the Var area *- Add Blajan Minicat Key Updater away from the Var area *- Add Blajan MoviePlayer away from the Var area *- display might change channels by pressing the Help button and then ok *- Add Ahdt file includes satellites from the satellites Hisbasat30 hgn TurcSat42 *- Note is passed through the program or program DreamUp FlashWizard leave you with the saccharin-shot image of the brothers leave you to download the image and enjoy my greetings to all Gizlenmiş İçerikGörmek İçin Foruma Giriş Yapınız. !