EDG Nemesis v4.4 Skin CCcam2.2.1 Max23a Web-x-tv

Konu, 'Dreambox 500 Serisi' kısmında abdurrahman elitaş tarafından paylaşıldı.

  1. abdurrahman elitaş

    abdurrahman elitaş Banlı Üye

    9 Mart 2009
    Beğenilen Mesajlar:
    Only EDG Nemesis v4.4 Skin CCcam2.2.1 Max23a Web-x-tv of the best add-ons and other keys

    Pokój, miłosierdzie i błogosławieństwo Boże wyłącznie na forum zdjęcie
    Przedstawiam wam dzisiaj Isaddarsourp Nemesis 4.4 jest wydaniem cudowny obraz Ausis

    4.4 This version has the speed and stability

    And he has lots of features and a lot of Alpluzhnat course without prejudice to the area var

    And also change the original matrix knife Black knife

    Max23a seen also correct in your browser Zapstream VLC and Web-X-TV Fixed

    Merge another emo Cccam 2.2.1 and other broken keys on Dreambox

    Alterations and additions to the most recent image:

    Reviewed online through a web browser

    1 - Zapstream VLC and Web-X-TV Fixed

    2 - Copy of a big boot and can be changed by easylogo Blegn

    3 - Add the French language outside of Arabic and English with the possibility to download any language from the server

    4 - change the original blade knife Max23a wonderful and beautiful

    5 - Merge new file to download additional plug-ins

    6 - another key to the integration of all packages in the main

     Teleclub (Swiss cable) 17.02.2011ident 3B01 [Nagra]    
    TV Globo International (13.0 ° E) 11.585VS / R twenty-seven thousand five hundred FEC 3 / 4    
    Canal + NL (19.2 * E) ID 006A [MOSCA SECA]    
    AustriaSat / ORF (19.2E Cryptoworks)    
    FR FTC Astra 19.2 ° E 0D Key ident 0085 [SECA MOSCA] January 2011 Key 0D    
    Bulsat (Helas N, 39 ° E), Irdeto 2, ID 0604 MGcamd1.35a    
    Rai thirteen ° E and Hotbird 11766V 10992V 27500 3 / 4 Seca No.: 0030 The (Next)    
    Telespazio Hungary (Ex Mediatech Amos 4 ° W) 2A ID00 March (Next)    
    Numericable ident 0084 [SECA MOSCA] Key 0C March (Next)    
    Canal + 19 ° E ident 0081 [SECA MOSCA] Main 0CMarch    
    Teleclub (Swiss Cable) ident 3B01 [Nagra]    
    Canal Digitaal (006A), nineteen degrees East [MOSCA SECA] Key 0C March  

    6 - Ecminfo information was incorporated into the knife and start automatically

    7 - Merge CCcam 2.2.1 and V1.1 in raw CCcaminfo away from the Var

    11 - Combines the plugin in the raw quality of the signal away from the Var

    15 - Merge plugin Nagrab raw video from the Var area

    16 - Combines Teletext plugin, improved raw work away from the Var only

    17 - Combines plugin Hacker Sat Keys in raw away from the Var

    18 - Combines plugin Ecminfo raw video from the Var area

    19 - New Found plugin combines the raw Cleaner away from the Var

    20 - start of a new satellites.xml file updated with the correct names of the SATELLITE

    21 - file is modified by time zones Timezone countries simply the most important to have more space

    22 - add a property-line registration PVR

    23 - change the menu by pressing the HELP

    24 - karnel is, where it was very fast and Tabutp

    The remaining 83% of Var


    This image can be passed by Flashwisard or DreamUP

    Now picture


    Gizlenmiş İçerikGörmek İçin Foruma Giriş Yapınız. !

  2. maratoncu23

    maratoncu23 Yeni Üye Üye

    6 Temmuz 2007
    Beğenilen Mesajlar:
    deneyelım bakalım nasılmış teşekkürler

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