DM500HD Polar Image

Konu, 'Dreambox 500 HD Serisi' kısmında coscos1222 tarafından paylaşıldı.

  1. coscos1222

    coscos1222 Guest

    DM500HD Polar Image Beta 20130318

    The new Polar Image Beta version is attached below.
    It is a cvs image with some additional tools and features.
    ############### IMPORTANT #############
    After bootup the Dm500hd has a very limited flash
    memory left. So - after language selection exit the wizard.
    Then with Network Mountmanager - mount external storage (pc)
    with cifs. Next do PolarPanel -> Flash Expander. Then about 4.5mb
    memory will be available.
    Image build : Opendreambox OE 2.0 updated 20130317.
    Additional features :
    Polar News
    - Latest Polar image news
    Flash Memory
    - Available free flash memory
    Flash Expand
    - Increase memory by moving plugins to hdd, cf, usb
    Daemon Manager
    - Run start/stop scripts for daemons
    - Configure script location and info file
    DMM Update
    - Online official update of image
    - Backup and restore settings
    EPG Import
    - Import epg
    AV Settings
    - Audio-visual settings - transparency etc
    - Network browser and mount manager
    Polar Addons
    - Online install of Polar server addons
    DMM Addons
    - Online install of official addons
    - Harddisk and other system information
    Skin Config
    - Select mainmenu screen list/icons1/icons2
    - Enable/disable second infobar
    - Second infobar size max/min
    Image Backup
    - Backup image
    - HBBTV
    = YouTubePlus
    User Script
    - Run scripts from /etc/scripts
    Swap File setup
    File Manager for local files
    Crond Manager
    Device Manager
    Logo Manager for testing user bootlogos
    - Place folder boologos in hdd, usb or cf
    Spinner manager for testing user spinners
    - Place spinners in /usr/share/enigma2/spinners
    Sundtek Control Center
    Best Regards from the Polar Team.

    Thanks to pcd

    Gizlenmiş İçerikGörmek İçin Foruma Giriş Yapınız. !


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