atest DiabloKeys Upd@te 12.08.2011 - RTVi Detskii Mir; RTVi Europe; RTVi Nashe Kino (13°E)[CCW] - [Biss] updated (Ukraina SD 4.8°E) - [Biss] updated (Majd Feed 26°E) - [Biss] updated (AHaber/HD 42°E) - Teleclub (Swiss cable)[Nagra] - Bulsatcom / Polaris (39°E) - Canal Digitaal NL (19.2°E) > ACTIV < - Rai (13°E)[Seca](Fausto) - Telespazio Hungary (4°W)[Seca](Fausto) - Private Spice (13°E)[CCW] Temporary Fault - Cablecom Swiss Cable [Nagra2] - AustriaSat (19.2°E)[Crypto] - TNT (19.2°E) (AES Keys) - ORF (19.2°E)[Crypto] - TV Globo (13°E)[Nagra2] Eki Görüntüle RDiablo Keys 12.08.11.rar
12/08/11 Canal Digitaal NL 19.2°E [Service Key01[02] Active Again - (Fausto EMU, Ipnosys EMU, Underworld EMU and Others) - thx MASARE TEAM 11/08/11 UKRAINA-SD 4.8°E Biss - thx SeregaH 07/08/11 Majd feed 26°E Biss - thx TheHighLander 04/08/11 Bulsatcom 39°E [Key02[04] Active - (Fausto EMU, Ipnosys EMU and others Not Underworld) - thx MASARE TEAM 03/08/11 RAI 13°E Key0D [Next, Sept2011] (for Diablo use RAI card or Fausto Emulator) - thx Verdeoro 02/08/11 Telespazio Hungary 4°W Key0D [Next, Sept2011] (for Diablo use Telespazio Hungary card or Fausto Emulator) - thx Surya_A 08/07/11 Canal Sat 19.2°E (MTV France, MTV Base, MTV Idol, MTV Pulse, MTV Hits, MTV Rocks, VH1 Europe, VH1 Classic, ESPN America, Game One, Nickelodeon, Nick Jnr, Cartoon Net, Boomerang, TCM & Vivotta) - Added to internal Diablo EMU with Latest Underworld & Ipnosys 06/07/11 RAI 13°E Key0C [Active, Aug2011] (for Diablo use RAI card or Fausto Emulator) - thx Verdeoro 05/07/11 Telespazio Hungary 4°W Key0C [Active, Aug2011] (for Diablo use Telespazio Hungary card or Fausto Emulator) - thx schachmat Constant Control Words: Turn Fixed CW [ON] also in most cases turn Auto PMT [OFF] Unless Control Word CAID not in CAID file - None at Present. NB Recommended CAM settings CAIDs [MAIN], AutoPMT [OFF], Fixed CW [ON]. For RAI (13E) & Mediatech (4W) use Fausto Emulator [FE] or use the Seca Gold/Fun Cards. eg for RAI the FunSECom/Secom 3.x version, which is Diablo Compatible from the card files section, remember to turn Seca [ON] in CAS Settings. A quick note regarding Fausto Emulator. FE works with Diablo Wireless or Season Interface on various CAMs eg Dragon/T-Rex & built in CI slots etc. FE also supports CS protocols and allows public hacks not prev available on Dragon/T-Rex etc, eg public Irdeto2 & Viaccess2 hacks and 4.8E Viasat SoftN*D*S channels. NB. This key.bin contains only active keys/control words (ie only Control Words listed above in bin at the moment, no old control words) supported by diablo/fausto, large key.bins containing dead keys/control words in addition to slowing the cam, can interfere with the use of official cards and possibly card share emulators.... Note: File is named after last update done, this does not (especially in the case of channels opened with Control Words {CCWs}) mean the channel/package named will open, please read info in this thread and on the forum as to what is currently open key