Ağa bağlı tüm istemcilerin tüm kaynaklarını tek merkezden denetim altına alabilen ve uzaktan müdahale imkanı sunan DameWare, aynı zamanda tüm uzak bilgisayarlarının ekran, klavye, fare hakimiyetini IT yöneticilerine vererek uzaktan konfigürasyon, eğitim ve yardım masası işlemlerinin en uygun şekilde gerçekleştirilmesini sağlar. DameWare NT Utilities ile, bilgisayar ağınızı, etki alanı, çalışma grubu ya da sunucu / istemci bazında yönetebilir, uzak makinaların disklerine, sistem günlüklerine erişebilir, kullanıcılar, kullanıcı grupları yaratabilir, ağ paylaşımlarını idare edebilir, işlem takibi, işlemlere son verme eylemlerini gerçekleştirebilir, sistem kayıt bilgilerini değiştirebilir yazılım, donanım listesini çıkarabilir, bilgisayarların uzaktan takip edilip hangi uygulamaların kullanımda olduğunu tespit edebilir, kayıt defterine kayıt ekleyebilir yada değiştirebilir ve gerektiğinde bilgisayarı uzaktan kapatabilirsiniz ve hatta uzak bilgisayarların ekran, klavye, fare hakimiyetini ele alabilir, DameWare Exporter bileşeni sayesinde ağınızdaki bilgisayarları, bunların disk bilgilerini, kullanıcı-kullanıcı gruplarını, bağlı yazıcıları, servisleri ve paylaşımları rapor olarak CSV formatında dosyalara aktarabilirsiniz. Tüm bunların yanı sıra detaylı raporlama özelliği sayesinde ağın ve bağlı diğer araçların verilerini oluşturarak kaynaklarınızı, envanterinizi hazırlayabilirsiniz. DameWare NT Utilities (DNTU) is an enterprise system management application for Windows NT/2000/XP/2003/Vista which allows Administrators to go beyond the limitations of Microsoft's Management Console (MMC). DNTU provides an integrated collection of Microsoft Windows NT administration utilities, incorporated within a "easy to use" centralized interface for remote management of Windows Servers and Workstations. Most all of the standard utilities are included within DNTU's powerful Explorer-style interface, many of which have been greatly enhanced to provide superior performance, added functionality, and ease of use. DNTU also contains custom NT tools including the DameWare Mini Remote Control program and the Exporter, and also supports the use of standard shell property pages and shell context menus. DNTU also contains a powerful Active Directory Object Browser, and extensive Active Directory functionality for retrieving, searching, and filtering of all AD Objects & attributes. Management of objects such as OUs (Organizational Units), Containers, Users, Groups, Contacts, Computers, & Shares, as well as attributes that are not available within Microsoft's MMC (i.e. Photos, Logos, employee ID, etc...) are all supported. DNTU's exclusive Quick OU & Picture/Logo management functionality just further emphasizes DameWare Development's commitment to producing quality products that are easy to use. In addition to Active Directory, DNTU also supports management of Domains, Workstations, Disk Drives, Event Logs, Local Groups, Global Groups, Domain members, Open Files, Printers, Processes, Properties, Registry, Services, Sessions, Shares, ShutDown/Reboot, Software, Terminal Services/RDP, Users, Wake-on-LAN, and many more features. DNTU continues to support legacy (non-AD) Microsoft Windows Network implementation via a dynamic "Microsoft Windows Network" Browser tree view. Domain controllers, servers and workstations, as well as non-browsable machines (machines that by default are not shown in Microsoft's Windows Network Browser), can easily be managed via machine name or IP address after being added to the network browser tree view. DNTU basically gives you the ability to manage your Windows network from one easy to use Explorer-style interface. DNTU also includes the DameWare Mini Remote Control program for fast and easy deployment and troubleshooting, and the Exporter to quickly extract information from remote Windows machines. For additional information on these products, please take a look at their corresponding product information pages. Changes in v., 07/25/08: DNTU * DNTU Batch Service Install. Service automatically started after installation, even when startup type set to Manual. Fixed. * When creating new AD Object, account creation time (on Object Tab) showed +5 hours ahead. Fixed. DMRC * Protocol Revision. User will be required to update the MRC Client Agent Service on the remote machine to this current version. Selecting No will disconnect the connection. * Various SFT enhancements to improve registration process for SFT shell menus. * Implemented performance enhancements for Smart Card Logon authentication method. * Added functionality for Smart Card authentication over Proxy connection. * Administrators would not get their full access rights when connecting to a remote machine running Vista or 2008 Server via the Smart Card Logon authentication method when UAC was still enabled (could not upgrade/downgrade or connect without permission). Fixed. *Requires version 6.8 or above of the MRC Client Agent on the remote machine. * MRC Client Agent's SysTray icon would disappear when user logoff and logon again on 2008 Server. Fixed. * "Another instance is already running" error would be displayed when running the MRC Client Agent as an Application on 2008 Server with UAC enabled. Fixed. * Enhancements to MSI Builder to ensure Client Agent files and settings are updated properly when installing newer version of the Service. DEXP * Improved connection check (authentication) when specifying alternate credentials (at Task level and at Machine level). Homepage - Gizlenmiş İçerikGörmek İçin Foruma Giriş Yapınız. ! Size: 26.9 MB Gizlenmiş İçerikGörmek İçin Foruma Giriş Yapınız. !