D.M.S Img-v2.0-dm820 [2015-05-07] Fix Update Img 820 Date: 2015-05-07 19:38:10.882977 Distro: opendreambox 2.2.0 Drivers: 3.4-3.5-dm820-20150411-r0.0 Enigma2: 4.2.2r1-dm7080-r0.0 Kernel: kernel-image-3.4-3.5-dm820 3.4-r0.10 MD5: c86ee58f44cc4e0142aa4e86e0fde5 e7 Machine: Dreambox DM820 SHA256: 05386ca25021370c3361ee620814f5 4517f9c98a12c7af4fc6 e6dde49432c61d --------------------------------------------- skins Default-HD se preferite la skin Dreamy andate in Menu,impostazioni,Picture and Sound,skin abilitare la skin Dreamy ----------------------------- skins Default-HD if you prefer the skin Dreamy go Menu, Settings, Picture and Sound, skin enable the skin Dreamy Thx @ °°ANTR@G°° Gizlenmiş İçerikGörmek İçin Foruma Giriş Yapınız. !