Black Hole 2.1.3 Universal Meoboot-vusolo2-SunRay-ramiMAHER

Konu, 'Vu+ Solo2' kısmında cihat çapa tarafından paylaşıldı.

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  1. cihat çapa

    cihat çapa Guest

    Black Hole 2.1.3 Universal Meoboot-vusolo2-SunRay-ramiMAHER
    Black Hole 2.1.3 Universal Meoboot​
    MeoBoot updated and now compatible with all major images
    New Army skin DarkSky
    New fade effect in osd
    OpenWebIf updated and added Italian translation
    Httpstream updated:
    - added chunked transfer support.
    - connect to TS stream in seperate thread.
    - add basic http authentication support.
    - add redirect and playlist support.
    Elistbox: add setFont function (workaround for Full Hd skins)
    media-tree rebuilded module list
    WARNING: This Image has the latest drivers and CAN NOT be installed in multiboot. The image MUST be installed in flash.
    Black Hole does not support images not installed in flash.
    This latest version of the Black Hole series has been entirely rewritten and improved in the code for maximum stability and performance.
    Please note that of all images Black Hole now has the best epg system:
    - Integrated OpenEpg
    - Rytec dedicated epg.dat
    - New system epg.dat outside.
    This last feature gives the possibility to various forums or communities to create their favorite EPG data files and load them into a web space.





    Gizlenmiş İçerikGörmek İçin Foruma Giriş Yapınız. !

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