Ashampoo HDD Control v1.10-TE new!

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  1. m_devrim35

    m_devrim35 Süper Üye Üye

    4 Ekim 2008
    Beğenilen Mesajlar:
    Ashampoo HDD Control v1.10-TE new!



    Ashampoo HDD Control v1.10-TE | 11 MB | RS

    Ashampoo HDD Control Gelişmiş bir Hdd bakım Yazılımıdır.Hdd doğan Kritik hataları çökmeleri önler ve bunlar
    için gerekli tedvirleri sağlar.yazılım(yassak içerik) ata ve ide sürücüleri ile tam uyumluluk içinde çalışır
    .Yazılm Hdd sıcaklığı ve Tüm performansını hakkında bilgi verir ve bundan yola çıkarak sisteminizde doğabilecek
    hatları önlemiş olursunuz.
    TE has released a new version of popular Ashampoo HDD Control, this powerful app can boost your HDD Performances
    to maximum and do many other great things read more in description….
    Description: Be honest. In the digital era where bits and bytes have the day, does anyone really think about
    which tasks are performed by the hardware found in your typical computer? Integrated hardware components,
    in particular highly delicate hard drives, are hard at work every day. As long as the drive is functioning
    properly, you are lulled into a false sense of security. However, when the trusted hard drive suddenly fails,
    this is more than just a minor inconvenience. The resulting loss of data is often immensely damaging. Ashampoo
    HDD Control is therefore ideally suited to boost the performance of your drive, guard against disk failure and
    remove clutter from your hard drives, while performing all three functions of monitoring, maintenance and
    * Background guard continuously monitors status, performance and temperature
    * In-depth explanations and information on context-sensitive help
    * Displays all current SMART files with detailed explanations
    * Able to export reports for support purposes
    * Powerful, high-speed disk clean-up
    * Objects found can be configured and managed in shortcut menus
    * Objects found can be managed using intelligent filter mechanisms
    * New exception rules can be created manually or automatically
    * High-quality defragmentation performed to latest standards
    * Fully automatic ‘proactive’ defragmentation runs in background
    * Defragmentation algorithm with minimum impact on system performance
    * Self-monitoring, analysis, status reports on imminent failures


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