VU+ Barry Allen

Konu, 'Vu+ Plugins, Addons , Skins , Editor' kısmında coscos1222 tarafından paylaşıldı.

  1. coscos1222

    coscos1222 Guest

    Gizlenmiş İçerikGörmek İçin Foruma Giriş Yapınız. !

    Barry Allen vor VU+

    Here is a little howto for users that prefer Barry Allen to Meoboot and want to use Barry Allen on Black Hole image.

    Plugin Installation:

    1) Format an usb stick for linux (ext4 is better) in bh format wizard and plug to your box.

    2) Download latest version of Barry Allen*

    3) Upload the file in the folder /tmp

    4) telnet to your box and digit: opkg install*
    enigma2-plugin-extensions-barryallen_xxxx (subitute xxx with the correct
    file name)

    5) When installation wil be complete reboot your Vu+ box: Warning the*
    first boot after Barry Allen installation will be a little slow because*
    of swap file creation. Don't panic and don't reboot your box but wait*
    until the boot will be complete.

    Install image in multiboot:

    1) Upload your image zip file into the foder /media/ba/backup

    2) Run Barry Allen Plugin

    3) Select: Wizard for Images at backup

    4) Select: extract zip image from backup

    5) Select imagename




    Gizlenmiş İçerikGörmek İçin Foruma Giriş Yapınız. !

  2. coscos1222

    coscos1222 Guest

  3. bluemoon35

    bluemoon35 Yeni Üye Üye

    31 Ağustos 2010
    Beğenilen Mesajlar:

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